What I Mint to Say

Green tea and peppermint alone within themselves are known to be filled with healthy bioactive compounds and antioxidants along with other health benefits to include improved brain function, relieve digestive upset and relieve tension headaches. When blended together, a powerhouse of healing energy! To push through we must be still for a few minutes. Fill your favorite cup with balance and mental clarity!

2 oz: $16.00 

 STEEP TIME: 3-5 Minutes
 SERVING SIZE: 1 Teaspoon per cup

Green Tea, Natural Vanilla Flavor & Peppermint

More sizes available upon request.

All The Details

Steeping instructions

Inside the tea

Our blends are created without the use of any known allergens. However if you have any allergy-related questions or concerns, please contact us before placing your order using hello@redolenceorganicteacompany.com

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